WEAR THE CHANGE. Be the change.


Its time to go back, and protect where it all began.


Wear the change

Limited edition Eco-Friendly clothing printed on demand.

Dive into style with our limited edition clothing featuring stunning artwork from talented local artists worldwide. Each piece not only showcases unique designs but also supports our mission to raise awareness about ocean conservation.

Reduced Carbon Emmisions

With each order from our store, each product has a potential 67% savings on carbon emissions.

In Country Production

85% of all orders are produced in the country the order was placed, further reducing impact to the environment.

Delivery Distance Reduced

Due to being locally sourced, 3445km is the average distance saved when we deliver our products.



Embark on unforgettable journeys with our international expeditions, where adventure meets purpose. Explore the depths of the ocean while contributing to marine conservation efforts on the trip of a lifetime.

learn how you can make a difference today.

Taking a stand in protecting our oceans is not difficult, whether its supporting one of the many not for profit organisations or picking up one of our shirts. Keep scrolling to see some of the causes we support.

Our Mission

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Where the money goes

Want to knoe exactly where your money goes? We’ll tell you with complete transparancy!

causes we support

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